Wednesday 28 April 2010

Gay Paree, boaters and back to reality

Hello my dear fellow bloggers! How are you all this week - enjoying the rare warm weather? I haven't blogged for a little while not because I've fallen off the blogging wagon but because I have been in Paris, my second favourite city (after Londres, natch) with my school pal Emily. I've been a few times before but it was an absolutely fabulous trip - exactly what I needed to relax after an Easter holiday packed with work, work and more work.

We saw all the standard sights including Versailles, the place which long-term readers will know I love more than life itself despite the fact that, this time, I was bitten by a donkey. Oh dear.

Paris is wonderful though - as I'm sure many of you know - to have the ability to sit in a park to while away the hours whilst in the vista of the Eiffel Tower of the Louvre, the fabulous art, beautiful shops (naturally), late night liveliness (?), drinking Kir Peche in little French bars and experiencing such fantastic history is just amazing. I love it.

A definite sartorial highlight was definitely my acquistion of a boater (see below for my views on that millinary delight) which I wore at every opportunity. Unfortunately, there were not a great deal of clear photographs taken of me in said hat but I have managed to dig a few out to share with the world (because I'm sure you all care what I wear on my head...), including one with me in my 'cat face' mask.

I always believe in having a photographic gimick whilst abroad - it makes the resulting pictures less cliched... Perhaps a cat face was not ideal but it sure took Gay Paree by storm!

Sadly, this is all a distant memory now. I am back at University for essay writing / exam time and would give anything to be back in that calming city... All I've got to keep me occupied now is the upcoming election and, of course, shopping for even more 'election outfits' - well, I do need some compensation for being back up north attempting to learn a lot of old nonsense once again!

Ps. I am also wearing the dress from my wish list post in the top photograph which was removed from that list after a got it for Easter... Tragically, I look absolutely morbidly obese in the photo - it looks far better in reality!

1 comment:

  1. oh, paris! I've been at the same places like you :)Paris is just a beautiful city!


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